Thursday, October 16, 2008

The voice of Steve

Some who know me might think that title to mean the voice of the mighty little green striped man who is often dancing in my head......but alas! tis not thee. This time. ahem. I would like to start out by telling readers that from this moment forward, I shall be referring to the Steve of Steve and Tango as "Steve of Steve and Tango". Actually, that might get a little tedious for my fingers to punch out everytime I make a reference. So, maybe I'll call him Steve G. just for the sake of argument. Another thing I will be clarifying from the very beginning is the voice of Steve G. that I like to call "the swirly eye voice". I know that voices and eyes are typically not connected, but if you have seen Steve G. in action, you will know exactly what I mean by the swirly eye voice. My bff, co-pilot through the land of thick and thin, the one and only true missus of the Beans, might have another term for it but since she was so kind as to include the voice of Steve in our intro, I thought I might take a moment to introduce my own terminology.

Forewarning: I often neglect to punctuate, capitalise, and spell correctly

Let the screaming commence!!!!

1 comment:

Jenny Melzer said...

All I can hear in my head is Jack Skellington singing: "AND THEY CALL HIM STEVE GONSALVES..." only somehow, he found a way for Steve to rhyme with Sandy Claws... insane, isn't it?