Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stefan, You Must Never Scare Me Like That Again!

Overcooked salmon, dear world, overcooked salmon. Eight people at the table all agreed that Stefan's salmon was overcooked. I thought for sure that my Top Chef fave was not going to make it into the final four. As they showed the judges and guests enjoying their meals, I honestly heard more complaint about Stefan's plate than anyone else's, but apparently there is a God and he spoke through Tom Colicchio, who decided that mushy egg and runny hollandaise sauce was far more punishable than well-flavored, but overcooked salmon.

To tell the truth, overcooked or not, after some of the not-so-appetizing things I've seen Leah pull off these last few weeks, I would much rather eat at Stefan's restaurant than Leah's. And besides, I'm still a little peeved that Leah's laziness got Ariane sent home.

Now I know this is just a short little blurb tonight, but I have to say once again that the constant smack-talk about how Stefan just needs to be beat is not endearing. It does not make me like you (coughhoseacough). In fact, it makes me wonder why you're so jealous of him. It's like you know you can't win, so instead you're just going to talk some smack. Or maybe the fact that you're not formally trained is intimidating... I don't know.

All I do know is that no matter what anyone says or thinks of me, I'm in it all the way for Stefan.


Mona Buonanotte said...

I had a small panic attack and nearly passed out and/or peed myself when I realized darling Stefan was in the bottom...I really thought he was going home. I think Bravo edited it that way, though...did you ever notice that when they know someone is going home, they always have a clip of that person early in the show saying "I'm not going home"...and then they do? They did the same thing last night with S and I screamed "NOOOO", like THAT would help.

Whew. I live to ogle him another day. Or couple weeks. He can peel my eel any day.

Jenny Melzer said...

How about it. We were arguing during the commercials... I was terrified that Stefan was going home, even though I knew in my heart he couldn't possibly. It wouldn't be right or fair! He was far too good to be eliminated before Hosea and Leah. Carla, she's showing her stuff, but if Stefan had gone home over Leah or Hosea... I would not have been happy.

I think the next episode is the finale... so it's just one more day, but you can always ogle him at his website. He's got some great pics on there. :D