Friday, November 7, 2008

TAPS, Ghost Hunters & Honesty

Apparently there have been a recent string of criticisms circulating the net, even some supposed video garbage claiming that the guys in TAPS faked evidence in their recent live Halloween show. I don't know why it bothers me so much that there are skeptics out there. As someone who has experienced paranormal phenomenon first hand, Ghost Hunters is the type of show I have been longing for as long as I can remember. The chance to sit back and feel somewhat assured by the experiences of others who have seen things similar.

While I don't claim to know the guys in TAPS personally, I can tell you that they have a reputation for the thorough work they do and have found more ways to disprove hauntings and so-called paranormal activity than any of the other wanna-be shows. As much as I love a good psychic, they don't rely on intuitives to declare a place as haunted and gather information from the other side.

Researching the paranormal is a risky business, and sharing the evidence one uncovers is always going to be open to criticism from skeptics and nonbelievers. I'm sure that TAPS has faced their fair share during their time together, and while it hasn't killed any of them, it has served to make them stronger. Anyone who has ever watched the series, or read the book Jason Hawes put out last year, can tell you that Jason Hawes himself has an incredible time declaring a property haunted. He and Grant Wilson both have trained their team members to look for alternative explanations, every day causes for what might be considered paranormal activity. They have long argued against the accreditation of things like spirit orbs as actual evidence of paranormal activity.

TAPS have changed the face of paranormal research for the better. They have provided well documented evidence time and again, called in experts for second and third opinions on cases and evidence both and they put their reputations on the line every time their show airs on the Sci Fi Channel.

They have done amazing work for years, and I hope this skirmish of boo-hissers and nay-sayers washes down the drain where it belongs. Yes, we're all entitled to our own opinions, even the fools who aren't happy unless they're crushing other people's excitement and happiness, but those on the second half of that spectrum can laugh now. It's the people who aren't afraid to believe that there's something more to all of "this" who'll be laughing later. That's a guarantee.

1 comment:

Christie Greenstripes said...

Well put, Beans. It truly does bring a tear to my eye. That team has traveled such a lonely road and stood firm in their practices of debunking first and foremost up to this point. While I also do not claim to know any of the TAPS members personally, I certainly do have faith that if any funny business was going on, they would put an end to it. I know there have been cases where the evidence was iffy, no matter how cool it was there were too many things to factor in, so they didn't use it. That takes integrity. Sure it would be easy for anyone searching for fame to just use every single thing they came across, whether it was real or not. But TAPS has stood firmly on their own since their show has been on the air. It has been the one true thing I knew I could rely on when I needed a ghostly fix. Once the network has their footage, the guys at TAPS can't do anything else with it. THE only thing they can do is stand up and say, "We did not approve that segment or this part didn't really happen like that." And I believe they absolutely would, even if it meant they would lose ratings. Integrity.
With that said, I have to add this....could Steve get any more swirly these days?? Holy flip, that man continues to crack me up. Just when I think an episode is shaping up to be swirl free, enter Steve, stage right. And on another note....

There is a new show on the travel channel now that is loosely based on the same thing as Ghost Hunters. Supposedly it's all real haunting grounds and these idiot men literally LOCK themselves in at the location overnight. I call them idiots because I can't figure why they feel the need to be locked in. If they are true to the investigation, they have no need to run away. What are they afraid of? I don't think it makes things any more believable just because they have someone padlock the doors from the outside. Fire hazard.....hello!! They then proceed to run around, FREAKING the EFF out over every little floor creak they hear. I watched one episode this past Friday night and all I got out of it was the men who were "hunting" just kept screaming at each other "Man, what WAS that?! Oh My GOD, what the hell was THAT??" Instead of confronting whatever was making the noise or moving things, they froze in place and freaked out verbally. The show is called Ghost Adventures. I have to say I would certainly have to watch more episodes to fully back my opinion thus far, but if any doubt and accusations of false evidence is going on, I would certainly put the majority of my paranormal eggs in THAT basket before I looked at Ghost Hunters in such a light.
Exit the stripes, stage left.